Mar 17 2019 10:41PM

1.Prepare excellent (pharmacists) graduates and qualified to work in public and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and companies, drug control laboratories, food analysis, and work in the field of media, marketing, research, universities, and hospitals.

2.Focusing on the pharmacist’s role in providing appropriate patient care inside and outside hospitals and rationalizing the use of medicines in hospitals.
3.Supporting the practice of the profession with its responsibilities, laws and ethics, and respecting the rights of patients.
4.Providing special academic and training programs to increase the competitiveness of graduates at the local and regional levels
5.Developing teaching methods through interactive education and an interest in self-learning.

6.Paying attention to effective communication skills, leadership, management and entrepreneurship.

7.Supporting continuing pharmacy education programs with the goal of sustainable professional development

8.Support the scientific research system and participate in community service and environmental development through applied research that aims to develop the pharmaceutical industry.

9.Developing the capabilities of the administrative group.
10.Raising the efficiency of faculty members and their assistants in the field of teaching and scientific research


الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي