Intellectual property protection procedures

List Ajerouat protection of intellectual property and copyright

With regard to the profession

1. dissemination of intellectual property rights culture, publishing and putting it in the Code of Ethics of the College and distributed to all faculty departments, as well as the work of frequent seminars and brochures for intellectual property rights.

2. Ban the use of ready-made unlicensed software on computer hardware altogether.

3. Not to allow workers to college with copies of works, including an assault on copyright.

4. Develop guidelines for the library hesitant to take account of their commitment to the regulations stipulated in the Law on Protection of Intellectual.

Regulations and policies for the use of the library

First, on copies of scientific materials

1. Allows imaging optical scientific materials available to the library, so just

For the purposes of personal use and for the purposes of scientific research and not for commercial purposes.

2. The user does not bear any fees exceed the actual cost of photocopying.

3. It allows you to shoot only during the official working hours of the library from 9:00 am until 14:00 daily

Friday, except public holidays.

4. Each user personally responsible for compliance with the rules imposed by copyright and ownership


The mechanism to deal with the case of non-conformity to adhere to professional standards of moral

First: Lima respect of violating professional ethics for members of the teaching staff and ancillary staff

§ deprive faculty member is committed to ethical principles Kaladl, equality and equal opportunities of the teaching faculty.

§ deprive faculty member is obligated to respect the time and adjust class schedules and presence college opponent of linking incentive to quality.

§ deprive faculty member is committed to professional ethics in the secretariat to deal with Almrasien and so deliberately delay the discussion of scientific messages to supervise theses.

§ deprive faculty member representation in the governing councils (Council of the Section-college) Council or teaching if you do not adhere to the principles of good ethics in dealing with others (colleagues or heads).

Instructions for students regarding intellectual property and publishing Protection Act

First, on copies of scientific materials:

1. Allows imaging optical scientific materials available to the library, so just

For the purposes of personal use and for the purposes of scientific research and not for commercial purposes.

2. The user does not bear any fees exceed the actual cost of photocopying.

3. It allows you to shoot only during the official working hours of the library from 9:00 am until 14:00 daily

Friday, except public holidays.

4. Each user personally responsible for compliance with the rules imposed by copyright and ownership


Unit credibility and Ethics Code of Ethics of the Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Zagazig

Guide ethics faculty member

Knowing if a buffer was beset merits ride failure

Ethics in its simplest definition is: to know what is true and what is the disposition to act wrong and then to do what is right.

Since the building is mainly concerned with human beings and improve their overall they are not necessarily ethical organization because they are concerned with the construction of scientific and moral for the student and therefore keen to develop an ethical environment and only failed to advancement of its mission no dichotomy between the achievement of the overall message and the commitment to morality. The pillars of the ethical environment is a moral awareness and commitment to moral development.

And ethics professor is a set of formal and informal behavior standards used by professor and staff as a reference guide their behavior while performing their jobs and are increasingly important ethics at the University of the fact that a university professor and a role model for his students responsible for their moral development.

And ethical standards derived from:

· Basic human values ​​emanating from the monotheistic religions examples of honesty and lack of non-Amae

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